5 Essential Strategies for Preventing Breast Cancer

In the 1960s, one in twenty women were diagnosed with breast cancer. Today? One in eight women. It's estimated that over 40,000 women will die from breast cancer in 2015, according to The American Cancer Society.

These statistics, and the latest research, suggest environmental factors are driving cancer. In addition to environmental toxins, breast cancer risk has significantly increased due to factors such as poor diet, chronic stress, and sleep deprivation.

Terrifying as the statistics are, the good news is that you can implement a number of powerful, simple strategies to prevent and treat breast cancer! 

5 Essential Strategies for Preventing Breast Cancer

  1. Fool-proof your diet against cancer! I could write 10 tips on food alone. Below are the bare necessities:

    a) Up your intake of fiber. High-fiber foods include vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, and whole grains such as brown rice and ground flax seed.

    b) Watch your sugar intake and keep it under 25 grams per day (6 teaspoons). Read your labels because it adds up quickly! Put bluntly: Every time you eat sugar, you increase your risk for breast cancer.

    c) Wine time. One glass of wine a day increases your risk of breast cancer by 40%  and 2 glasses may increase your risk by as much as 70%! If you enjoy wine, consider modifying your habit to no more than 3 glasses/week.

    d) Eat your greens. Your mom wasn't joking! Fruits and vegetables are the most important fuel we can put into our bodies to make a difference in terms of prevention and health! Aim for 7-13 servings of fruits and vegetables everyday and favor the color green over all of the rainbow's colors! Recommendation: I get the nutrition from an additional 30 different fruits and veggies everyday with Juice Plus+.
  2. Reduce your toxic load. The data is unequivocal and just keeps pouring in – many of the 100,000+ man made chemicals that have been introduced into our ecosystems and thus our body-systems cause cancer and illness. You can reduce your toxic load drastically by focusing on sources like your food and cosmetics. But don't forget about your household cleaners and furnishings as well. 

    In addition to what you put IN your body, focus on what you put ON your body. Your skin is your largest organ. Don't slather it with toxins. I only use Beautycounter’s products because they commit to 100% transparency and will never use any ingredient thought to have a link to health and safety.
  3. Outsmart your stress. You are never going to eliminate stress altogether, but you can certainly outsmart it. Whether you opt for meditation, yoga, deep breathing, massage or another de-stressor, find something that works for you and do it. Sleep is also essential. Go for 7-9 hours/night to stay ahead of stress.
  4. Supplement Wisely. I keep my supplementation pretty simple, because I fuel my body with high-quality foods. Below are essential supplements to help prevent breast cancer.

    a) Probiotic - Leading researchers at Cleveland Clinic discovered gut microflora influences cancer genes and your immune system. Tend your inner garden with gut-supporting probiotics.
    b) Juice Plus+ - Fruits and vegetables are the most important fuel we can put into our bodies to make a difference in terms of health and prevention. Juice Plus+ offers concentrated nutrition from 30 different fruits and vegetables.
    c) Fish Oil - A variety of studies have shown essential fatty acids to be beneficial; the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil —eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) — are especially good. 
    d) Vitamin D - The widespread deficiency of Vitamin D is concerning because it plays an important role in many areas of our health. It contributes to bone strength, heart health, and cancer prevention.
  5. Master Your Movement. Studies show regular exercise can decrease your breast cancer risk, by regulating your insulin and blood sugar levels, your weight and your stress hormones. Find something that you look forward to each day and then get yourself some accountability  (running buddy, personal trainer, 30-day challenge, train for an event, etc).